Tele y Radio

Rebelde: a la vanguardia de la Radio Cubana

Rebelde:  a la vanguardia de la Radio Cubana Una serie de entrevistas y reportajes al respecto fueron ofrecidos por el popular espacio Mesa Redonda Informativa, esta vez dedicada a celebrar el aniversario 50 de Radio Rebelde, estación fundada por el Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, el 24 de febrero de 1958.


En uno de los numerosos testimonios difundidos por la Mesa Redonda radio televisada, Fidel aseguró que aquella emisora "no dijo nunca una mentira", opinión apoyada por ex-guerrilleros que combatieron junto a él y numerosos testigos del medio siglo de público servicio prestado por la planta.


Conducido por la periodista Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, el espacio rememoró aquellos heroicos días en que, bajo el fuego enemigo, la estación radial arengó a los combatientes revolucionarios y persuadió a los soldados del dictador Fulgencio Batista sobre su infructuoso empeño.


También se recordó a la heroína Vilma Espín, quien falleció recientemente y fue la primera directora de Radio Rebelde después del triunfo popular, y contribuyó, además, a consolidar el sistema radial con que Cuba hoy enfrenta las mentiras y la guerra ideológica de Estados Unidos.


Al respecto se informó que el país cuenta actualmente con 91 redioemisoras, 51 de ellas con presencia en Internet, las cuales trasmiten la verdad sobre los acuciantes problemas que afectan a la Humanidad y la certeza de que un mundo más justo es posible e imprescindible.


Varios de los participantes en la Mesa destacaron que la radio cubana dispone de un gran capital humano, lo cual le permite obviar la enajenación y los vicios tan comunes en la llamada gran prensa, y, por el contrario, irradiar educación y cultura.


Fuente:  AIN 

1 comentario

Juan -

February, 20, 2008

Today I woke up being one of the most popular persons in my surrenders . It wasn’t because of my New York fashion style… shut the f…up! This is Minneapolis, don’t forget! I look down trying to figure it out , but something else was floating in the air.
Early this morning the Lou Dobbs's show on CNN has a title: " Castro leaves and the Embargo stays" the two invitees one was Diaz-Balart.
The night before I saw a documentary in Galavision was made in 2001 by TVE. It was about the trajectory to USA of undocumented immigrants from Centro America trough Mexico. The trip is odd, A long story of abuses, rapes, crimes made by gangs and police… a long travel of hungry, miseries, diseases, people made though, to reach the American Dream… high percentage of them, the most lucky end dead, others, with their bodies and souls mutilated and without a choice to return back home, or better don’t do it though. They wont be received with a Christmas party… either one of the gangs will finish the body mutilation or the miserable habitat conditions will decorate the body.
Along the travel, there are not hotel reservations, travelers are forced to sleep wherever possible under the sky… room service has just drugs and herbs in the menu… police and the gangs play the entertaining… as the song sing: Mexico, how beautiful you are, but how much I suffer in my trip across.
After having my heart ripped out and cooked with those images of poverty, ghost town with people who doesn’t have access to potable water, others attack me with the question: how do you feel after Castro resign ?
The simple idea that some of the people around me were involved in that Mexican tour, knotted my throat… the daughter of the American lawyer fall from a satellite interview saying that walking along the streets, how much she loved Cuba and his people. In the other side Diaz Balart, in a full of emotion soap opera act, playing God, condemn Castro to dead…is any feeling left for me?
To don’t get into conflicts I recorded my answer: can't talk , I have sore throat…
Millions of people in USA before smash the borders and jump to the other side, fight odds risking their lives and leaving behind hundreds of dead… tattooed in their minds, friends, relatives, been killed , raped or abused. They've being forced to run away from their home where never was piped water or electric light , not even think a doctor or school. The blinking Government 's eye can't see the population needs.
Perhaps I'm hyper sensitive after what I saw on that TV program, and the propaganda in channels like Univision, don’t let me too much room for feelings, sorry. I can't give the answer they want.
I rather play a show worst than Paris Hilton in a cabaret show to open my mouth.